The QL60 bursary campaign target was surpassed with unprecedented support from alumni across all generations.
The QL60 bursary campaign target was surpassed with unprecedented support from alumni across all generations.
Nineteen of the 400+ donors to the QL60 Bursary Campaign celebrated the results announced at a Toronto alumni reception. (Photo by Rai Allen)
Nineteen of the 400+ donors to the QL60 Bursary Campaign celebrated the results announced at a Toronto alumni reception. (Photo by Rai Allen)

As Queen’s Law turned 60 in 2017, it celebrated in style – with a special, standalone Homecoming weekend, but also the launch of an ambitious campaign to increase student support. The QL60 campaign underlined one of the Faculty’s key strategic priorities: to keep legal education financially accessible. The target: over $600,000 to support students with financial needs ... and in only eight months!

Dean Bill Flanagan revealed the results at Celebrate Queen’s Law, the annual Toronto alumni event. “I’m delighted to announce we have surpassed our target, raising close to $700,000,” he said. “I want to thank all of you who generously contributed to our QL60 campaign. Our students are also most grateful to you.”

One of these students, Shelby Percival, Law’20, expressed via video what such an outpouring of support means to her. “It’s allowing me to follow a dream I’ve had for 11 years. The fact that someone who hasn’t even met me says I’m worth funding means more to me than just money. It means they recognize I’ve worked for something. Being valued is huge.”

Tim Bates, Law’74, one of the many donors in attendance, was impressed. “Exceeding the QL60 target is meaningful, not just in monetary terms but also because the graduates’ enthusiasm for giving is emblematic of the spirit of the law school that has been engendered by the Dean and many others,” he said.

Bates is among over 400 fellow grads who made their contributions individually or as part of class gifts. 

Thanks to all alumni who helped ensure that some of the brightest, most aspiring legal minds will find open doors at Queen’s. 

Check out the building blocks of this successful campaign and learn why alumni rose to the challenge of keeping a Queen’s Law education financially accessible. 

Learn about other ways alumni and friends support Queen’s Law in Supporting Excellence 2018.