Photo by Julia Lim. Dean Flanagan (2nd left) with teaching award winners Professors Christopher Essert, Patricia Peppin and Erik Knutsen.
Photo by Julia Lim. Dean Flanagan (2nd left) with teaching award winners Professors Christopher Essert, Patricia Peppin and Erik Knutsen.
Jennifer Dumoulin, Law’15, winner of the Gavel Award.
Jennifer Dumoulin, Law’15, winner of the Gavel Award.
Julie Banting delivers her acceptance speech for the Staff Appreciation Award.
Julie Banting delivers her acceptance speech for the Staff Appreciation Award.

In front of a crowd of dozens of students, staff and faculty, the LSS (Law Students’ Society) Awards were presented Monday afternoon. The 24 awards encompass prizes for teaching, exemplary work by staff and extraordinary achievements by students.

Receiving the first regular Staff Appreciation Award, Julie Banting, a Law Career Counsellor with the Faculty, was touched by the recognition. “I love the work that I do,” she said. “I feel very lucky and blessed to work with such a talented group of students and a wonderful career development team.” Awards for staff had been presented in the past, but this was the first year the LSS had instituted a regular award.

Jennifer Dumoulin, was recipient of the Gavel Award, presented annually to a graduating student who has contributed the most to student affairs during three years at law school. “The past three years have been absolutely amazing,” she said. “I’m honoured and so happy to have been part of this fantastic family.”

Among the most anticipated of the annual awards, the LSS Teaching Awards for 2014-2015 went to Professors Christopher Essert and Patricia Peppin (full-time faculty, Winter 2014), Erik Knutsen (full-time faculty, Fall 2014), and sessional instructors Mark Ellis, Owen Widgerson and Joe Wilkinson. “I love my job!” exclaimed Knutsen as he accepted his award. “Most importantly, the opportunity to be able to hang out with so many bright lawyers to be – all poised to change the world – is truly awesome.”

The one-hour ceremony was enjoyed by all in attendance; a celebration of achievement at Queen’s Law as the 2014-2015 school year draws to a close. Congratulations to all our winners!

A full list of awards and recipients follows:

Teaching Excellence Awards:

Christopher Essert and Patricia Peppin, Law’78 (full-time faculty, Winter 2014)
Erik Knutsen (full-time faculty, Fall 2014
Owen Widgerson and Joe Wilkinson (sessional, Winter 2014)
Mark Ellis, Law’80 (sessional, Fall 2014)

LSS Recognition Awards:

Gavel Award: Jennifer Dumoulin, Law’15
Spirit Award: Sean Coughlin, Law’15
Millennium Award: Whitney Abrams, Law’16
Spark Award: Cindy Zhang, Law’17
Mary Alice “Ma” Murray Awards: Jennifer Dumoulin, Law’15, and Adam Spark, Law’15

Dennis Marshall Contribution Awards:
Olivia Crossman, Law’15
Adon Moss, Law’15
Roger Sawh, Law’15
Nicole McDonald, Law’15
Noah Leszcz, Law’15

Camaraderie Award:
Queen’s Law Cancer Society Executive Committee

Professional Excellence Award:
Queen’s Labour & Employment Law Club

Staff Appreciation Award:
Julie Banting

Student Ambassador Awards:
Steven Bodi, MA(Econ)’13/Law’15
Brittany Chaput, Law’15
Olivia Crossman, Law’15
Patricia Graham, Law’15