Queen’s Law is gearing up to welcome new students to campus in just over a month. Orientation – one of the most important events for incoming students – is set to kick-off in the afternoon of Sunday, September 1. During the week, they’ll get introduced not only to the law school, but also to Queen’s University and the City of Kingston. 

Last year, more than 200 first-year, transfer-in and exchange students and 45 upper-year leaders participated in the week-long activities. The school is anticipating the same kind of enthusiasm this year.  

“I was so glad I took part in my class’s Orientation,” says Scott Stewart, Law’21. “I met so many of my classmates and upper-year students that it made the transition to law school so much easier. It’s a bonus when the people you meet are those you know are going to be lifelong friends!” 

He’s now working with Aimee Burtch, Recruitment & Admissions Manager, on her team of summer students that also includes Ryan Mccabe and Shailaja Nadarajah, both Law’21. They’ve been busy developing this year’s schedule. “Our team spent considerable effort balancing educational components with social events to allow incoming students to get the important information they need, while also getting to know their classmates outside of the law school atmosphere,” says Burtch. 

The week-long activities include bowling, trivia, a scavenger hunt, karaoke and a Queen’s Law favourite: a boat tour around the 1000 Islands. 

Students will also attend various educational sessions, one of which involves participating in the KAIROS blanket exercise. As it was with many students last September, the KAIROS blanket exercise was an eye-opening experience for Nadarajah. “Many of us were only aware of the injustices Indigenous peoples of Canada faced, and continue to face, on a very superficial level,” she says. “Though the exercise was only 90 minutes, I learned more in that short amount of time than I did during all my years in the public school system.”

Orientation at Queen’s Law would not be possible without the generosity of numerous sponsors. Sponsor information and all things Orientation can be found on our website