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Former Law Students’ Society President leads national program to help refugees

Jackie Swaisland, Law’06, knew she had to use her expertise as an immigration lawyer to help people caught up in the biggest refugee crisis since World War II. After being contacted by other lawyers asking what they could do to assist, she got an idea to compile a list of those who were willing to work pro-bono with private refugee sponsorships. This initiative blossomed into the Refugee Sponsorship Support Program and Swaisland is one of its key leaders.

New grad wins provincial family law award named for her Queen’s Law mentor

Katie Hunter, Law'15, may have just graduated in June, but she has already won an award for demonstrating similar qualities to Professor Nick Bala, Law’77. On Oct 23, she received the Nicholas Bala Award for Excellence in Children & Family Law from the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Ontario (AFCC-O), recognizing her interdisciplinary achievements in law and social work.

Queen’s offers $35,000 fellowship in insurance law

PhD applicants to Queen’s Law who wish to study insurance law will be eligible for a $35,000, three-year fellowship under the supervision of Professor Erik Knutsen. This fellowship includes a $30,000 scholarship and a $5,000 Research Assistantship. The area of study will be on a topic related to Knutsen’s SSHRC-funded research project “Floods, Fires, Crashes: Resolving Post-Disaster Insurance Coverage Conflicts in Canada.”

How will artificial intelligence affect the legal profession in the next decade?

One of the hottest topics in the legal community of late is the expected impact on their profession of super-fast computers with the capacity to simulate human intelligence and decision-making, a.k.a. “artificial intelligence” (AI). Ever since Queen’s Law Professor Hugh Lawford initiated the computerized database QUIC/LAW in the 1960s, AI has been creeping into the legal field.

Record-setting gift by Law’80 bolsters Queen’s business law program

The business law program at Queen’s keeps growing stronger. Raising $250,000 for the Law’80 Scholar in Business Law fund, the Queen’s Law class of 1980 has not only created the largest class gift ever for a single initiative, but also achieved the highest class fundraising participation rate. They met their ambitious target when back on campus for their 35th anniversary at Homecoming 2015.