RSVP: opens two weeks prior to session date via CSM.


All CDO sessions for Winter 2022 will be remote and recorded


Students who RSVP will receive a Zoom link on the morning of each session.


The forth session of the Osler BizBasics series will discuss how well developed “soft skills” are essential to success in business law. Osler’s Career Development Officer will discuss the importance of empathy, relationship building, storytelling, and resilience to your future success.

Steven is the Career Development Officer at Osler. He provides coaching and career development expertise to the firm’s legal professionals. He is a member of the International Coach Federation. Previously, Steven coached MBA students at the Rotman School of Management and, prior to that, spent several years in the retained executive search field, leading recruitment teams and advising both candidates and corporate clients on their talent management strategies. Early in his career, he practised law with a focus on municipal issues, research and litigation