2025 Program Update

The International Law Programs took place in 2024 in Kingston and Berlin, where we offered our intensive and integrated courses in International Business Law and Public International Law with our exceptional team of instructors and guest lecturers. From Berlin the students visited, as usual, international organizations in Paris, The Hague, and Geneva. Information will be available here as soon as plans for the 2025 programs are in place, but it is expected that the locations will be the same as in 2024.

See details of the 2024 programs in the LinkedIn group, and email Gillian Ready at gillian.ready@queensu.ca if you have any questions.


Reflecting Queen's Law's commitment to an international perspective in the study of law, the International Law Programs are integrated academic programs in international law that run each May and June. This unique learning opportunity combines an 8-week intensive academic program in international law with field study visits to law firms, international organizations, and international courts. Instructors and guests are prominent figures in international law who bring their practical experience to the classroom. The program offers many networking opportunities, including a career options evening with alumni and friends of the program. Students choose to study either International Business Law or Public International Law. 

10 Reasons to Attend the International Law Programs

  • Gain a comprehensive overview of the field of international law from leading practitioners and academics
  • Study in small and highly interactive classes
  • Visit international courts, international organizations, law firms, and Canadian missions in London, The Hague, and Geneva (Public International Law) or London, Paris and Geneva (International Business Law)
  • Find out how to build a career in international law
  • Build lasting friendships and networks with your classmates, instructors, guests, and alumni
  • Be ahead of the curve, as international law is increasingly relevant in all aspects of law
  • Build your profile for future job applications
  • Complete 9 upper-year credits before 2L summer or articling recruitment
  • Enjoy the cultural experience of living, studying, and travelling abroad
  • Use weekends to travel throughout Europe

Questions? Contact the International Law Programs team:

Program Director Gillian Ready

Academic Director Ardi Imseis

Associate Academic Director Nicolas Lamp