In recognition of the academic achievement of students accepted to, and enrolled in the JD Program at Queen's Law, a multitude of merit-based awards have been established. We thank our numerous donors for their continuing generous support in funding these awards and in creating new award funds each year.
Queen's Law End of Year Awards
Applications open in March & April.
Awards Available To All Students
The Faculty of Law Dean's Council Diversity Award
Established in November 2003 by the Faculty of Law Dean’s Council. Three awards will be available annually to students in any year of studies in the Faculty of Law whose experience enables them to bring greater diversity to the complement of students in the Faculty of Law and ultimately to the practice of law. Students must demonstrate a substantial contribution to diversity-related issues either in law school or before attending law school.
The Agnes Lefas Memorial Scholarship
Established in October 2002 by friends and colleagues in memory of Agnes Lefas, J.D. 1979, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student in the Queen's Faculty of Law with a demonstrated interest in civil law or the study of international business law in common and civil law jurisdictions, including (a) a student taking a civil law course in any year of their J.D. program at Queen's Faculty of Law, or (b) a student enrolled at Queen's Faculty of Law in the Civil Law/Common Law Joint Degree Program, or (c) a student in the LL.M. program at Queen's Faculty of Law with a study/research focus on areas related to civil law, including private international law.
Notice to Common Law/Civil Law combined degree program students: Although you are taking first-year J.D. courses, you are not considered first-year JD students. Since you graduate at the end of this year, you are considered third-year students for the purposes of these fall scholarships. You are eligible for the Agnes Lefas Memorial Scholarship and you will be considered automatically, without further application, for the Senator Frank Carrel Scholarship based on domicile in Quebec.
The Senator Frank Carrel Scholarship
(No application required; students automatically considered based on Quebec domicile)
Established at Queen’s University through the generosity of the late Senator Frank Carrel, noted publisher, executive and author who represented the Gulf Division in the Legislative Council of the Province of Quebec for many years prior to his death in 1940. Candidates for Carrel Scholarships must for at least one year prior to their application for admission to Queen’s University (or for at least one year before 30 April if enrolled in an upper-year) have been and remain until the expiry of their scholarship domiciled in the Province of Quebec and as far as possible in the City or County of Quebec or in the Gulf Region of the Legislative Council of Quebec as constituted at 30 July 1940 (including Rimouski, Bonaventure, Gaspe-est, Gaspe-Ouest and Iles de la Madeleine). Several scholarships are awarded annually for general proficiency in the work of the previous year. All eligible candidates will be considered automatically.
Awards Available To Students Completing First or Second-Year JD Studies
The Queen's Indigenous Law Student Award
Established in August 2021 by Queen's Faculty of Law. Awarded on the basis of good academic standing and general proficiency in Juris Doctor (J.D.) or combined J.D. degree studies in law, to one or two Indigenous law students completing first-year or second-year J.D. or combined J.D. studies, who have made contributions to the law school or broader university community to enhance understanding and respect for Indigenous knowledge, culture, governance and perspectives on law. This award will be made upon application by 30 April. Applicants will be required to provide proof of Indigenous identity. Selection will be made by the Awards Committee of the Faculty of Law.
Awards Available To Students Completing First-Year JD Studies
Law ’65 Award
Established by the Class of Law 1965, and awarded on the basis of academic achievement and participation in Faculty and University governance, student government, athletics, other extracurricular activities and participation in community projects both legal and non-legal. Awarded to students registered in first year in the J.D. program or combined J.D. degree program in the Faculty of Law.
Awards Available To Students Completing Second-Year JD Studies
Susan J. Serena Scholarship
Established in October 2003 by Susan J. Serena, LL.B. '79, and awarded annually to a student or students completing second-year law, on the basis of overall scholarship, involvement in student activities and contribution to the faculty, the university and the wider community.
Blakes Scholar Award
Established in March 2000 by the law firm of Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP and awarded on the basis of academic excellence and community involvement, extra-curricular activities, or other personal accomplishments. Additional selection criteria may also include past experience and present contributions which promote or enhance diversity within the law school or broader community. The award is renewable in the third year of J.D. studies provided that the student maintains excellent academic standing in their second year of J.D. studies at full course load. Selection will be made by the Faculty of Law Awards Committee.
C. Douglas MacLeod Memorial Scholarship
The C. Douglas MacLeod Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a student completing the second year of the J.D. or J.D. program. The scholarship recipient will be selected based upon general scholastic achievement with a particular emphasis on outstanding performance in courses on constitutional and administrative law. Equal consideration shall also be given to the candidates' other contributions to the Faculty of Law and the University such as participation in Faculty and University governance, student government, athletics, other extracurricular activities and participation in community projects both legal and non-legal. The scholarship is awarded in memory of Doug MacLeod who was a scholar, athlete and eclectic participant in all school matters through his years at Queen's, the London School of Economics and as a teacher at Dalhousie University. Doug was also recognized as one of the pre-eminent transportation law counsel in Canada and was the founding President of the Canadian Transportation Lawyers Association.
Note: Many second-year students have not yet had the chance to take Administrative Law, so we encourage you to apply for this scholarship on the basis of all the other criteria.
Awards Available to Students Completing Second or Third-Year Studies
Michelle McKelvey Award in Family Law
Established in October 2014 by family and friends in memory of Michelle McKelvey, Law 2007. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement in Family Law, involvement in school or community activities, and a demonstrated commitment to social justice, to an upper-year student in the J.D. program or combined J.D. program in the Faculty of Law. Applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Law by 30 April. Selection will be made by the Awards Committee of the Faculty of Law. Notice of application will be announced by the end of March. Nominations should be submitted to the Faculty of Law Awards Committee by 30 April.
Awards Available To Students Completing Third-Year JD Studies
Community Commitment Award
Awarded from funds from the Law Foundation of Ontario special endowment to the Faculty of Law at Queen's, to up to six (6) graduating students each year who have demonstrated an interest in and commitment to public or community service. Preference will be given to those students who upon graduation will be engaged in public interest or community service legal work with a projected yearly salary of less than $30,000, and who will not receive tuition or salary payments for completing the Bar Admission Course. Consideration will also be given to students who upon graduation will be articling with a firm or organization with a projected yearly salary of less than $30,000 and who will not receive tuition or salary payments for completing the Bar Admission Course. Applications should include corroborating documentation from the employer.
Vincent Principi Memorial Award in Labour Law
Established by the family of Vincent Principi and awarded annually to a graduating student for demonstrated skill and proficiency in one or more courses in labour law, coupled with involvement in extra-curricular activities, such as community service or participation in the Queen’s Labour Law Students’ Society.
Dean’s Key Award
Established in March 2007 by the Faculty of Law in celebration of its 50th anniversary and awarded annually to a maximum of two graduating students who best embody the proud traditions and signature values of Queens Law: community, collegiality, professionalism, service, exemplary commitment and responsibility towards legal studies, and academic achievement (minimum cumulative B average in the JD program). Selection will be made by the Dean, Associate Dean and Assistant Deans of the Faculty of Law based on a written nomination from a member of the Queen's Law community, a letter of reference.
The Eric Swan Memorial Scholarship
Established in April 2018 by the Class of Law 1994, friends and family, in memory of Eric Swam, B.A. 1987, B.A. (Hons.) 1988, LL.B 1994. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and demonstrated contribution to the Queen’s Law Community through artistic expression, including but not limited to: music, drama, and visual arts, to students in their final year of the J.D. or combined J.D. degree programs in the Faculty of Law at Queen’s University. Selection will be made by the Awards Committee of the Faculty of Law.
LSS & Teaching Awards
Applications open during the month of February.
Awards Available To First-Year Students:
Spark Award
Presented annually to a first-year law student who, in the opinion of the selection committee, has the best-demonstrated commitment to the Law School. Participation and dedication in such areas as (a) student and faculty government; (b) social activities; (c) extracurricular clubs, societies and organizations; and (d) athletic competition shall be qualifying criteria. The selection committee will consider readiness to participate in Law School activities, readiness to volunteer assistance where assistance is needed and general enthusiasm to enter into the community of the Law School. Any student in the first year of law school may submit nominations for the award to the Chairperson of the Committee who may consider any student eligible to receive the award, whether or not he/she has been so nominated.
Awards Available To Second-Year Students:
Millennium Award
Presented annually to the second-year law student who, in the opinion of the selection committee, has best demonstrated a contribution to and participation in the events and activities that defined the second-year law class.
Awards Available To Third-Year Students:
Denis Marshall Contribution Award
The Denis Marshall Contribution Awards shall be presented annually to five students in their graduating year, whose outstanding contributions to the life of the faculty, the university, or the broader community have left a memorable imprint. Any student may submit nominations for the award.
M.A. Murray Award
Presented to the man and woman in the third year "who contributed the most to the athletic life during his/her three years at law school.
Spirit Award
Presented annually to the graduating student who, in the opinion of the selection committee, has best and most contributed to the spirit of the Law School. The selection committee will consider readiness to participate in Law School activities, readiness to volunteer assistance where assistance is needed and general enthusiasm to enter into the community of the Law School. The recipient of the Spirit Award cannot receive any other award.
Gavel Award
Presented annually to a graduating law student who has contributed the most to student affairs during three years at law school. Participation, dedication, leadership and excellence in such areas as (a) student and faculty government; (b) social activities; (c) extracurricular clubs, societies and organizations; (d) athletic competition; (c) academic achievement shall be the qualifying criteria. Outstanding contribution in any combination of these areas will be sufficient for receipt of this award, but weight shall be given to all-around achievement.
Group Awards:
Camaraderie Award
Presented annually to an organized group of law students who, in the opinion of the selection committee, has best demonstrated within the Faculty of Law initiative, contribution, participation and organization of events and activities to further the Queens Law community spirit. Recognition can be for a single event and/or multiple events held throughout the academic year. It is the intention that the LSS Camaraderie Award will recognize initiatives undertaken by groups that have worked hard to establish familiarity and sociability within the law school and a feeling of goodwill and light-heartedness between peers. Any student group shall be eligible for consideration for the award; the definition of a student group shall be interpreted broadly and the only limitation placed on excluding a group would be whether academic credit and/or financial compensation was obtained by members of the group, however, this will be at the discretion of the Committee.
Professional Excellence Award
Presented annually to an organized group of law students who, in the opinion of the selection committee, has best-demonstrated initiative, contribution, participation and involvement in activities and events that promote educational and professional excellence. Recognition can be for a single event and/or multiple events held throughout the academic year. It is the intention that the LSS Professional Excellence Award will recognize initiatives undertaken by groups that have worked hard to go beyond the status quo. Any student group shall be eligible for consideration for the award; the definition of a student group shall be interpreted broadly and the only limitation placed on excluding a group would be whether academic credit and/or financial compensation was obtained by members of the group, however, this will be at the discretion of the Committee.
Faculty Award:
Stanley M Corbett Awards for Teaching Excellence
Each nomination should be supported by two letters that outline how the nominee meets the criteria for the award. Up to two awards may be made each academic year, one for a full-time tenured, tenure-track or continuing adjunct faculty member and one for a term adjunct/sessional lecturer.
The ideal candidate will demonstrate:
- enthusiasm and innovation in teaching
- an ability to motivate students to learn
- skill at facilitating student-faculty interaction in class
- sensitivity to the needs and interests of students from diverse groups
- an ability to convey information in a clear and organized fashion
- a depth of knowledge in his or her field
- ability to adapt course delivery and course materials to ensure accessibility for students with disabilities
- receptivity to students’ questions, new ideas and diverse viewpoints
- a commitment to students over and above the norm
- ready, willingness to consult with and mentor students outside the classroom
- a broader commitment to improving the learning environment
First-Year JD Entrance Scholarships
Newton Rowell Entrance Scholarship in Law
Established by the Honourable Henry N.R. Jackman, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario in honour of his grandfather, Newton Wesley Rowell. Three entrance scholarships are to be awarded annually to students entering the first year of the Juris Doctor program on the basis of academic excellence and a demonstrated interest in, and commitment to, public service. Applications are encouraged from students outside Ontario and from Indigenous students and members of racial minorities.
The David and Pearl Tobias Entrance Scholarship
Established by Mr. Norman C. Tobias, a Toronto tax lawyer and associate professor, Faculty of Law, Queens University, in honour of his parents, David and Pearl Tobias. Awarded to a first-year law student each year whose undergraduate record (without taking into account LSAT scores) reflects outstanding achievement in academics, extra-curricular activities, leadership and character, as determined by the Faculty of Law.
The Allan Findlay Memorial Scholarship
Established by the partners of the late Allan Findlay, Q.C., this scholarship is awarded to a first-year student on rotation with two other Ontario law schools. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of undergraduate academic record and participation in extracurricular affairs, including athletics, debating, student government, drama and the student newspaper.