Colleen M. Flood
Dean (Faculty of Law)
Colleen M. Flood began her five-year term as Dean of the Faculty of Law on July 1, 2023. Dean Flood is recognized as one of Canada’s leading scholars in the area of health law and policy, and is an accomplished leader, author, and commentator.
Kevin Banks
Associate Dean (Faculty and Academic Policy), Associate Professor; Director, Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace
Joshua Karton
Associate Dean (Graduate Studies and Program Development), Associate Professor
Karla McGrath
Assistant Dean, JD and Graduate Legal Studies (Acting)
Originally from Newfoundland and raised in Nunavut and Labrador, Karla McGrath is a graduate of Carleton University (BA, 1988), the University of Kentucky College of Law in Lexington, Kentucky (JD, 1996) and of Queen’s Law (LL.M., 2013). Following completion of an accreditation year and articles, Karla was called to the bar in both Ontario and New York in 2000.
Cherie Metcalf
Associate Dean (Research), Professor
Cherie Metcalf is an Associate Professor at Queen’s University in the Faculty of Law and the Department of Economics (cross-appointment). She completed her undergraduate degree at Queen’s before earning postgraduate degrees in Economics (MA, PhD) at the University of British Columbia, later returning to Queen’s to obtain her LLB. Following completion of her LL.B., she clerked at the Federal Court of Appeal and for former Justice Ian Binnie at the Supreme Court of Canada. She then completed her LLM at Yale on a Fulbright scholarship before joining the faculty.