The documents below are the forms for instructors and/or students to complete when there has been a possible departure from academic integrity.
Please note that confidential information is contained in these completed forms and as per University Policy all forms containing personal information should be encrypted. For more information on encryption services.
Notice of Investigation
Notice of Investigation Form (PDF, 137 KB)
- Complete the form, print the form and sign by hand
- Send original copy to the student by email or registered letter along with any relevant documents
- Student has 10 days after receiving the Notice of Investigation to respond
Note: Due process requires that no conclusion should be drawn before the student's response is heard, however compelling the evidence already in hand may appear (such as the paper, etc). The student's response is part of the evidence and the instructor has the obligation to consider the entire body of relevant evidence before making any decision.
Finding of a Departure from Academic Integrity
Finding of a Departure from Academic Integrity Form (PDF, 768 KB)
- If the investigation reveals a departure from academic integrity, contact the Assistant Dean of Students immediately to check for previous Findings for the student. This affects whether the instructor will impose a sanction, or if the case is referred to the Associate Dean Academic.
- Complete the form, print the form and sign by hand
- Send original copy to the student by email or registered letter along with any relevant documents. The student should receive the form within 14 days of the meeting with the instructor (or receipt of student's written explanation), or within a reasonable period of time as demanded by the complexity of the case
Notice of File Closure
Notice of File Closure Form (PDF, 136 KB)
- To be completed if, after the instructor has investigated the case, there are insufficient grounds for a finding of a departure from academic integrity
- Send original copy to the student by email or registered letter
- Destroy all documents pertaining to the investigation (no copies are sent to the student file or Associate Dean Academic)
- The student should receive the form within 14 days of meeting with the instructor (or receipt of student's written explanation), or within a reasonable period of time as demanded by the complexity of the case
Notice of Appeal for JD Students
Notice of Appeal Form for JD Students (PDF, 634 KB)
The student has the right to appeal a finding that he/she engaged in a departure from academic integrity and the sanction imposed. The appeals process is governed by Section 4.4 of the Senate Policy on Academic Integrity Procedures – Requirements of Faculties & Schools. This form is for JD students only. Please note that for non-JD students appeal forms from the home Faculty should be used.
- Must send a written statement of your intention to appeal within 7 working days from the date of the decision
- A student has an additional 14 working days from the date of the above notice to submit the formal Notice of Appeal form
- You may contact the Office of the University Ombudsperson for information about student rights and responsibilities and guidance on policy and procedure at or through their website at