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New doctoral graduate and Mackesy Smye lawyer Devan Schafer (middle), LLM’19, PhD’24 – shown with Professor Colin Grey and supervisor Associate Dean Cherie Metcalf after successfully defenced his thesis – has developed a practical framework for a systemic way to explain individual decisions made by administrative boards and tribunals.

New PhD grad makes case for recognizing systemic administrative injustice as a basis for judicial review

Devan Schafer, LLM’19, PhD’24, has developed a practical framework for a systemic way to explain individual decisions made by administrative boards and tribunals.
Ryan Minor, PhD’24, who received his doctoral degree from Queen’s on June 21, reflects on his time at Queen’s Law and explores arguments for and against Canada implementing a preferential tax treatment for intellectual property income that could spark a surge of innovation and productivity. (Photo by Bernard Clark)

New PhD grad examines preferential tax treatment for IP income

Ryan Minor, PhD’24, reflects on his time at Queen’s Law and explores arguments for and against Canada implementing a preferential tax treatment for intellectual property income that could spark a surge of innovation and productivity.