Queen’s Law is excited to collaborate once again with MAG-Indigenous Justice Division for the Debwewin Summer Law Program. This program is open to 1L and 2L law students for the summer 2025.
The internships are offered to support students interested in providing community education and legal assistance support to First Nations, Métis, or Inuit (Indigenous) communities and community organizations within Ontario. Successful applicants are placed with an Indigenous community or organization and do legal research and other work that supports the Indigenous community or organization’s mandate. Students may also suggest new placements that fit with their interests. Students may work with the host organization and a local Indigenous community to develop a community-based justice project that relates in some way to the Iacobucci Report subject matter and findings.
There are three position available to Queen’s Law students. Each successful candidate will be awarded up to $12,000 for their participation in the internship based on an expectation that they will be working on a full-time basis for the organization throughout the internship. Where the location of the internship requires the student to travel away from their current residence, they may apply for reimbursement to assist with some travel and accommodation costs during the internship. Applications for these further travel related awards require proof of costs of travel. The program will also cover the costs of reasonable pre-approved workshop expenses. Pre-approved, reimbursable expenses may be approved up to $6000 (in addition to the abovementioned $12,000 stipend and travel and accommodation reimbursement).
Please join us to learn more about this exciting program which will include an overview of program opportunities, learning from previous participants, and overview of the application process, and a Q&A.