The CLCW and the Labour Law Casebook Group are pleased to present the following webinar:

The National Labour Law Casebook
50 years in, and 50 years from now


Date: Friday, Dec. 4, 2020
Time: 2:30-4 pm (EDT)


The Labour Law Casebook Group, which creates Labour and Employment Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary, is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Casebook, which has served as the introduction to labour law for generations of Canadian lawyers, from coast to coast to coast. 

To mark the occasion, the group has invited Professor Harry Arthurs, one of its founding members and a distinguished scholar who needs no introduction to labour lawyers across the country, to address the question: “What will one see when one opens the 2070 edition of the casebook?”

Professor Arthurs sees big changes for labour law over the horizon, as this imagined future syllabus(link is external) indicates.

An inter-generational panel of labour law teachers will respond to Professor Arthurs, and then the floor will be open for questions, comments, and debate from all members of the labour law community. 

The Casebook has had a long association with Queen's Law through the late Professor Bernie Adell, who served for many years as its coordinating editor, and then through the Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace. The centre is delighted to host this event as a Zoom webinar.

By happy coincidence, we will also be marking the centre’s 10th anniversary.

We hope you will join us for this chance to celebrate, reminisce, and to examine and debate the future of labour law, and labour law education in Canada.