• Earn credit toward your JD
• Learn about financial management, human resources, coming trends in law, and more
• Start now, finish after graduation with a diploma that enhances your degree
“Managing partners and law firm leaders consistently tell me they’re looking for new lawyers with practical legal knowledge and business skills -- not just because these assets help lawyers connect more effectively with their commercial clients, but also because firms increasingly expect lawyers to ‘own their practices’ and be responsible for constantly improving their own productivity and value. “So I fully expect the knowledge imparted by this program will be extremely helpful to lawyers making their way in law firms. But really, it’s going to constitute a valuable cornerstone of their careers no matter which route into the legal market -- private practice, in-house lawyer, public-sector counsel, startup innovator, and more -- they eventually pursue. The profile of the 21st-century legal professional looks a great deal like the lawyers that Queen’s Law’s new program will produce.”
- Jordan Furlong, Legal Market Analyst, Ottawa