RSVP will open 2 weeks before session date on Career Services Manager (CSM)

All Fall 2020 CDO Sessions will be held via Zoom. Students who RSVP will receive a Zoom link on the morning of each session.

In this session we will explore how we can apply mindfulness to our daily lives to increase our ability to focus, innovate, combat burnout and skillfully communicate. We will examine what is behind the increasing popularity of mindfulness across key sectors of society, including its implementation at fortune 100s such as Google and Ford. The session will combine an exploration of the mind through neuroscience research and hands on practical activities that participants can take home with them to support their personal and professional wellbeing.


Learning goals

•      Experience foundational mindfulness practices that can be applied in personal and professional settings (including before exams, presentations and job interviews)

•      Understand the connection between neuroscience and mindfulness

•      Build resiliency and self-regulation

•      Increase cognitive efficiency

•      Identify practices to combat burn-out and stress

•      Develop vocabulary to skillfully communicate in high-pressure situations

Facilitator Elli Weisbaum is an instructor for the Applied Mindfulness and Meditation Certificate Program at the University of Toronto in the continuing Education Faculty. She holds a masters degree focused on bringing mindfulness into education. In the fall of 2016, she began a PhD through the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Toronto, with a focus on integrating mindfulness into healthcare settings, based out of the Neuroscience and Mental Health Department at SickKids Hospital. She spent a year as the international program coordinator for Wake Up Schools, a global initiative to cultivate mindfulness in education, established by Nobel Peace Prize nominee, scholar and Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Her ongoing work with Plum Village focuses on a holistic approach to education, working simultaneously with teachers, students, parents and administrators to build sustainable inclusive communities. Elli’s novel background in both research and traditional mindfulness practice provides a unique approach to her ongoing work and research in the field of mindfulness