Register Now! Understanding through Learning: A Roundtable Discussion on Indigenous Legal Perspectives
The day will consist of presentations by community members from Akwesasne on topics including:
- the Akwesasne Court, learning about historical ways of resolving conflict, and restorative Justice
- Legislation and its development utilizing Mohawk drafting methodologies and values reflecting the Akwesasne community
- Compliance/Enforcement and restorative justice
- Neh Kankonriio Council (the good mind council)
Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, though we will be ensuring we have representation from all participant groups (staff, faculty & students). Our space is limited so please apply early. There will be a MANDATORY cultural sensitivity training session on October 26 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at the law school. You must attend this training to participate in the workshop.
Apply now* at: https://queensu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1IisfXceb0BPatf (Deadline is October 23, 2018)
*Please note that priority will be given to those that did not attend last year.
For questions on the workshop, please connect with Ann Deer (ann.deer@queensu.ca).
For a look back on the first-annual event in 2017, check out the news article, "Learning About Indigenous Law."