On June 9, Queen’s Law alumni, faculty and staff celebrated both a past dean and one at the end of his tenure. The 174-year-old University Club was a familiar venue, and highlighted the long history of Queen’s Law, a key theme of the evening.

The reception was notably Dean Bill Flanagan’s last public engagement as Dean of the Faculty of Law. He opened the evening’s remarks recounting some highs and lows of his 14-year tenure, speaking candidly about the difficulties that come with the position, while emphasizing the rewarding moments that made it all worthwhile. Dean Flanagan has been the longest-serving Dean of Queen’s Law, and will officially step down on June 30.

Another notable past dean was present. Professor Emeritus Donald Carter, Law’66, received the HRS Ryan Law Alumni Award of Distinction during the reception. The Ryan Award recognizes overall distinction in the legal profession. Don joined the Law Faculty at Queen’s in 1968, just two years after graduating. His work with colleague Bernie Adell helped Queen’s develop a reputation as a national leader in labour law. Professor Carter served as dean from 1993 to 1998, and in 2013, both he and Adell were awarded the Bora Laskin Award in 2013 for contributions to Canadian Labour Law.

During his acceptance, Don recalled some highlights and milestones of his career, and reflected on how important Queen’s Law has been to his family. Professor Carter’s first date with his wife Cathie was at a Law dance in December of 1963, where they “fell in love that night.” One of their sons, Ian Carter (Law’02) has also attended Queen’s Law.

Attendees were also fortunate to be joined by Mr. Hugh Ryan, son of Professor Stuart Ryan for whom the HRS Ryan Award is named. Hugh Ryan recounted the story of his father’s life, describing how the Great Depression was ultimately fortuitous for Queen’s Law, as it had set Stuart Ryan on a course that would lead him to become one of the founding members of the modern law school in 1957.

Another highlight of the evening were the remarks given by Mark Walters, Law’89, incoming dean of Queen’s Law. Mark commended his predecessors Flanagan and Carter for their contributions to the school, and noted that one especially attractive quality about the deanship was that “the law school is in tremendously good shape, and the foundations are really strong.” Walters will become dean on July 1.

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By Samantha Chow