Professor Gail Henderson
Professor Gail Henderson

The business law program at Queen’s Law got yet another boost this summer with the appointment of Professor Gail Henderson.  

“Queen’s has always enjoyed a reputation for being a great law school with a very collegial atmosphere,” she says. “In addition to these qualities, I wanted to join Queen’s given the renewed emphasis on business law with the hiring of the Allgood Professorship holder, which only adds to the amazing business law faculty already here.”

Henderson, who holds an LLM and a SJD from the University of Toronto and graduated as the gold medalist from Osgoode’s LLB program, arrives at Queen’s after spending three and a half years as an assistant professor at the University of Alberta. Before turning to academia, she practised commercial litigation and environmental and municipal law at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP in Toronto and clerked at the Supreme Court of Canada for Justice Louise Charron. 

Corporate law, corporate governance and social responsibility, securities regulation and financial institution regulation are among Henderson’s areas of expertise. Her doctoral research focused on how corporate governance can encourage sustainable development. After receiving a grant from the Ireland Canada University Foundation, she recently published a co-authored article in the Journal of Corporate Law Studies on the use of public interest directors appointed to the boards of Irish banks in the wake of the Irish banking crisis. She has since turned her attention to the Canadian banks and banking regulation. Also an avid baseball fan, she has blogged about baseball and the law.

Henderson is excited to be joining the Queen’s faculty. “I’m looking forward to collaborative opportunities with my new colleagues, within and beyond the Faculty of Law,” she says. “I am also eager to meet and get to know the students and share with them my interest in my areas of research and teaching. Finally, I am looking forward to rediscovering Kingston – I grew up down the road in Brockville.”

In the upcoming academic year, Henderson will be teaching contracts and securities regulation.