Geneve Say, Law’17 (second right) and her Queen’s Law classmates on exchange at Hong Kong University in the fall of 2016.
Geneve Say, Law’17 (second right) and her Queen’s Law classmates on exchange at Hong Kong University in the fall of 2016.

New opportunities, new challenges and a unique lens on international law – Geneve Say, Law’17, is just one of 53 Queen’s Law students to benefit from the most recent round of our international exchanges. 

Say recently returned from a semester participating in a popular Queen’s Law international opportunity. She went on an exchange to the University of Hong Kong (HKU), home to an internationally prestigious law school located in one of the world’s largest financial centres.

“I decided to go on exchange because I wanted to challenge myself, experience a new learning environment and discover a new part of the world,” says Say. “The group of students that went to HKU last year gave the program a great review. I had never been to Asia before and Hong Kong is one of the leading legal markets so there was no better fit for me.”

At HKU, Say had the opportunity to learn from and network with practitioners from around the world. “HKU is a very popular exchange destination for law students from across Canada and internationally,” Say continues. “Four months in Hong Kong was not enough. There were always new things to see and new places to discover. I met so many incredible people from every corner of the world.”

For Say, the experience goes beyond textbooks and courses. “I believe that change helps you grow, both as a person and as a lawyer. There are soft skills that are integral to the profession that can only be learned through taking risks and doing things outside the norm. I had the opportunity on exchange to move across the world, acclimatize to a new culture and become acquainted to a way of life outside my comfort zone. These are opportunities that have shaped me going forward. Resilience, strength and understanding: these are characteristics that are important to the practice of law.”

“It was one of the most incredible experiences that I have had during the course of my legal education. Hong Kong is an excellent destination for an exchange. I could not have asked for a better time studying abroad!”

By Anthony Pugh