Alumni in Ottawa enjoy hearing about recent developments at Queen’s Law from Dean Bill Flanagan (far left) at a reception. (Photo by Viki Andrevska)
Alumni in Ottawa enjoy hearing about recent developments at Queen’s Law from Dean Bill Flanagan (far left) at a reception. (Photo by Viki Andrevska)

While there was a chill in the air on the evening of October 26, there was nothing but warm feelings inside the Ottawa office of Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP. That was where alumni gathered together with Dean Bill Flanagan for a cocktail reception hosted by Martin Masse, Law’95, a partner with the sponsoring firm. 

“The company was great, the food was excellent, and I enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting new ones,” says George Windsor, Law’70, a barrister and solicitor in the nation’s capital. 

Dean Flanagan delighted the gathering with the latest news from Queen’s Law, including the appointment of Mohamed Khimji as the first holder of the David Allgood Professorship in Business Law, and the transformation of the ground floor of the Lederman Law Library into the new Learning Commons for students. 

“I was entertained and intrigued by the Dean’s talk about the Law Library and the school,” says Windsor. “I will do my best to get down to Kingston soon to visit the school.”

“Alumni receptions like this one are a great way to feel connected to Queen’s Law, to learn about new developments and initiatives occurring at the school, and to network with Queen’s Law grads across various fields of practice,” says Major Dylan Kerr, Law’09, Appellate Counsel with the Canadian Military Prosecution Service of the Canadian Armed Forces. “I make it a habit never to miss these excellent events!”

By Lisa Graham

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