Add us on Snapchat: @queensulaw
Add us on Snapchat: @queensulaw

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – now Snapchat has joined the array of social media channels used by Queen’s Law. The Faculty’s new foray into Snapchat – a photo-sharing service where photos vanish from the screen in 60 seconds, and from the service in 24 hours – has been launched to help bring prospective students closer to the Queen’s Law community and show them what the school has to offer. As the first Canadian law school to move into this new form of social media, Queen’s is at the forefront of communicating with its students, faculty and staff in new ways. 

“Snapchat is currently the social media channel with the most momentum,” says Natasha Beitman Brener, Law’17, student leader of the school’s innovative social media team. “It brings followers closer to those they follow – it lets them catch glimpses of day-to-day life, and engage in what feels like a personal experience.” 

Each week, students will “take over” Snapchat, creating a story that details what they experience in their lives as law students at Queen’s. Last week, followers got a glimpse of a Criminal Law lecture, saw a moot meeting in action, and grabbed a coffee with the first take-over student, Jennifer Clay, Law’19. On January 24, they’ll be treated to a day in the life of Harrison Sversky, Law’17.

“It made sense for us to have a presence in this space,” says Beitman Brener. “One of the best parts of Queen’s Law is our community; how close-knit we are. This is a way to manifest that in a tangible way and to let prospective students see what life as a law student is actually like.” 

Add us on Snapchat: @queensulaw