Helen Connop
Helen Connop

Helen Connop, Law’s education and equity services manager, is the winner of one of the new Principal’s Teaching and Learning Awards. She will be given the Michael Condra Outstanding Student Service Award for demonstrating a “high level of service and commitment to students.”

This award and five others created earlier this year, recognize individuals and teams who have shown exceptional innovation and leadership in teaching and learning on campus.
“I commend each of the recipients of this year’s awards,” says Queen’s Principal Daniel Woolf. “They are a dedicated group of faculty and staff who have shown a deep commitment to enhancing the student learning experience at Queen’s. There is a great deal of work happening across campus to foster excellence in teaching and learning and I am delighted that these awards can help raise the profile of this initiative.”

For 13 years, Connop has provided outstanding support to students at Queen’s Law, including establishing and managing the Academic Assistance Program. The program has a network of over 65 upper-year student tutors who provide support to first-year JD students.

Formal presentation of the awards will take place at the Teaching Awards Reception to be held in the Agnes Etherington Art Centre on January 27, 2016.