Prime Minister Justin Trudeau poses for a selfie with Sarah Black, Law’17.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau poses for a selfie with Sarah Black, Law’17.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau kicked off his cross-country town hall speaking tour with a stop in Kingston on January 12. Sarah Black, Law’17, was one of 800 people who pre-registered for the event, eager to participate in the 90-minute question-and-answer session at City Hall.  
“I admire Prime Minister Trudeau for taking the time and effort to travel to cities and towns across the country in order to hear, first-hand, the questions and concerns of Canadian citizens,” she says. “It shows that he is truly attempting to connect with the people, and to understand their thoughts and ideas on how to improve their country.” 

A capacity crowd of 265 packed the City Hall room, where Trudeau responded to questions on such issues as prison farms, veterans’ disability benefits, aboriginal issues, health care, the Phoenix pay system, democratic reform and his thoughts on what his government’s relationship will be with U.S. president-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration.

While disappointed that she wasn’t able to take part in the session due to the very small venue and despite arriving early, she did get to meet the prime minister. “He took the time to shake everyone’s hand and he posed for pictures. I was very impressed.”

By Lisa Graham