Julie Harmgardt, Law’16
Julie Harmgardt, Law’16

While she’s just starting her legal career, Julie Harmgardt, Law’16, has already made her mark in promoting awareness, education and support for young adults living with hidden, chronic illnesses. On August 9, she was awarded a $3,000 scholarship from Legal Leaders for Diversity (LLD), a group of Canadian General Counsel who support the creation of a more inclusive legal profession. 

Harmgardt, who suffers from arthritis, is Executive Director of InvisAbilities, a registered Canadian charity she founded as a student at Queen’s. 

According to LLD board member Scott Jolliffe, Law’76, Gowling WLG’s Head of International Development and past CEO, “She has transformed the initiative from what began essentially as a university club into a registered Canadian charity now with chapters on several university campuses and is now working to add a chapter that will serve young professionals in Toronto.”

Harmgardt told Canadian Lawyer magazine that she appreciates the corporate law community’s recognition of challenges facing students with disabilities. “I would like everyone to take back to their firms and companies some thoughts about invisible disabilities,” she said. “Now we’re getting to the point where people are observing and being more knowledgeable.”

Read the full story in Canadian Lawyer magazine