Wither free trade?

US-Canada Relations in a Post-Tariff Context



Nicolas Lamp
Associate Academic Director, International Law Programs; co-author, Six Faces of Globalization: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why It Matters
Dena Givari, Law’17
International attorney, International Trade Practice, White & Case
Jessica B. Horwitz, Law'12
Partner, International Trade & Investment, Bennett Jones
Josh Karton
Associate Dean (Graduate Studies and Program Development); Managing Editor, Canadian Journal of Commercial Arbitration
Anthony Goerzen
Professor, Smith School of Business
Julia Webster, Law'13
Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP

AI at Work – Rights, Risks, Opportunities Conference

Location: Thomson Reuters - 19 Duncan Street, 6th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3H1



Keynote Speaker: Daniel Susskind
Professor, Oxford University and King’s College London
Panellists are listed in description
Free for Keynote only; $675 + HST Early-Bird Special on or before Jan. 31, 2025; $750 + HST after Jan. 31, 2025; $250 + HST for Recent Queen's Law graduates (2019-2024) and not-for-profit organization employees; $50 + HST for students
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