Exam Administration in the Faculty of Law at Queen's University

The Faculty of Law at Queen's University uses a cloud-based exam software called Examplify to administer in person exams. Students will install the software on their own laptop in order to take secure electronic exams. Students who choose not to use Examplify for in person exams will handwrite exams.

Take home exams will be administered using onQ. 

Refer to the exam schedule to determine if your exam is in person (Examplify) or take home (onQ). 

All exams are managed by the faculty with the exception of accommodated exams. To prepare for a smooth testing day, we ask that you read all of the information below. 

Exam Dates

Exam schedules are posted here

Exam Presentation 

Exam Information Session Slides(link is external)
Exam Information Session Recording(link is external)

Access the recording via the provided link. A Queen's username and password are required. 

Exam Accommodations

If you require accommodations for exams, please ensure you have registered with Student Wellness Services(link is external) no later than November 15 (Fall) or March 15 (Winter).

Students who require assessment accommodations will write their in person exams with the Central Exams Office(link is external). Students will use Examplify if writing on a computer unless accommodation software is required.;

Exam delivery information will be available in Ventus ahead of the exam date.

Important Information from the Central Exams Office: 

  • Your scheduled exam time may be shifted due to spacing issues. If you find that your exam has been moved to the next day or to the next exam slot (afternoon to evening, for example), there is no need to panic and it is most likely correct. Check Ventus frequently to ensure you have the most up-to-date scheduling information. 
  • Check in with the proctor at the end of the exam to sign off on paperwork and return the hard copy of the exam. 
  • Students MUST start their exam in Examplify at the start of the exam time BEFORE turning the exam paper over. 

Regulations and Policies

All regulations and policies are detailed in the Queen's Law Academic Calendar.

Fee Policy

In 2024-25, the law school will pay the licensing fee per student use for the software, and a variety of printing and administrative costs. The law school reserves the right to charge a software use fee in the future. Once you register your copy of Examplify, the school will be charged the license fee. 

To prepare for a smooth testing day, we ask that you read all of the information below. 

Before Arriving On Campus for Your Exam

You will receive an email from ExamSoft with instructions for downloading the software as well as a username and password. Students should register Examplify upon receipt of the email. If you have any questions or issues with registration, contact ExamSoft technical support at support@examsoft.com(link sends email) or call toll-free 866.429.8889.

It is your responsibility to ensure:

  • That your PC or Mac can open and run Examplify and that it meets the Minimum System Requirements(link is external)
  • That there is adequate hard drive space available.
  • That your computer is virus free.
  • That all updates have been completed so that you do not experience any delays on exam day. 
  • Once you have installed and registered Examplify, familiarize yourself with the software by utilizing the Mock Exam.
  • That your battery has at least 20 minutes of charge prior to the exam in the event there is a temporary power outage. 

Installing Examplify

See below for device-specific instructions: 

After registering, launch the program by opening the Examplify icon on your desktop. Click the "Take an Exam" button. On the Examplify Start Window, select "Mock Exam". Taking the Mock Exam ahead of time enables you to familiarize yourself with the exam environment. You may use the Mock Exam as many times as you wish. 

Exam Day

Report to the designated exam room at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled exam time. You must bring the following items: 

  • Your Queen's Photo ID card.
  • The power cord for your laptop. 
  • Your Examplify username and password. 
  • Any permitted exam materials as outlined by your instructor. 
  • Do not bring any food or open drinks into the exam room. 

When you arrive, plug your laptop into a power outlet and turn it on. Open Examplify then open the exam. Enter the exam password right away and follow the instructions on-screen. You must begin your exam in Examplify when the proctor instructs you to do so, and BEFORE turning your question paper over. You will be required to submit your exam at the scheduled end time (taking into account any accommodations for additional time). 

When time is up, you must wait for the green screen with a checkmark to appear. This can take up to 5 minutes in some cases. Do not leave the exam room until you see the green screen. If 5 minutes have passed and the green screen doesn't appear alert the proctor and go to the Student Services Office (room 200 in the Law Building) for immediate assistance. 

Reporting Late to a Computer Exam: Notice of Time Penalty

Students are required to report to their examinations 15 minutes before the exam time. If they arrive late, they are subject to loss of completion time for the examination.

Short Delay – up to 5 minutes

If the exam-taker arrives less than five minutes late and the student can be accommodated by the proctor in the examination room without undue disruption to a timely start of the examination, then the student will be permitted to set up, log in and commence the computer examination. The student must submit their exam at the scheduled end time. Ie. Time will be lost. 

The instructor will receive an examination incident report noting the late arrival. 

Longer Delay – More than 5 Minutes

If the exam-taker arrives more than 5 minutes late to the examination room and the examination has already commenced, the proctor should ask the student to report to the Student Services Office (room 200).

Technical Issues

  • For a mid-exam freeze or crash, alert the proctor. Rebooting the computer without closing Examplify usually solves the problem. Your responses are saved and backed up automatically every 60 seconds. Hold down the power button until the computer restarts. The clock will be paused while the computer is rebooting however, students will still be required to submit their exam at the scheduled end time. 
  • Exams will not be delayed or suspended due to individual computer problems.
  • During the exam, use care when highlighting and deleting.
  • Do not uninstall Examplify until you receive your exam grading or feedback.
  • Students who do not take the time to become familiar with their laptop computer or with word processing functions should consider handwriting their exams. The extenuating circumstances policy does not include technology issues. 
  • Any attempt to disable or tamper with Examplify's security features will be considered a violation of the student honour code. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with your equipment and the software and instructions provided by ExamSoft on its website prior to the start of your exam. Please allow yourself sufficient time to become familiar with your laptop and the software. 

If technical issues cannot be resolved, Exam Takers will start to handwrite their exam answers. If an answer booklet is needed, please alert the proctor. Extra writing time will not be allocated.

Students who encounter technical difficulties while installing the exam software should contact ExamSoft technical support directly at toll-free 1-866-429-8889 or support@examsoft.com(link sends email).

After installing Examplify on your laptop, Queen's Information Technology Services (ITS) advise you not to load any additional software until after you have finished your exams. Refraining from installing software after you install Examplify will help you avoid potential software conflicts.

If you have installation problems that ExamSoft technical support is unable to solve, you should contact the Student Services Office as soon as possible. 

Contacts for Exam Administration Issues

Sarah Taylor, JD Program Coordinator
Law Building Room 200B
613-533-6000 ext. 75795

Christina Ulian, Exchange Coordinator 
Law Building, Room 200C
ulianc@queensu.ca(link sends email)
613-533-6000 ext. 74261

To report an incident during your exam, please do so immediately following your exam:

Jennifer Brierley, Equity and Academic Success Coordinator
Law Building, Room 407
law.accommodations@queensu.ca(link sends email)
613-533-6000 ext. 78352