Special Applications

See Course Descriptions for pre-requisites and full course descriptions.


The Colloquium in Legal and Political Philosophy is scheduled during the Fall term on Mondays from 2:30 to 5:30 pm.

The Colloquium explores new work in legal and political philosophy. In previous years, our speakers and students tackled important questions like: Is there a moral right to property? Does allowing judges to review legislation on constitutional grounds undermine democracy? What justifies states' acquisition of territory? Can one be consistently both pro-choice on abortion and an ethical vegan? Does the International Criminal Court suffer from a legitimacy problem because the most powerful states are not bound by it? Do states have an obligation to rescue migrants drowning at sea?

The format is as follows: Students registered with the course meet with us to discuss a recent paper by a leading scholar. The following week, the students meet with the author, along with other faculty members and invited guests, for a workshop on the paper. 

Our Fall 2025 lineup promises to engage equally important questions in legal and political philosophy and our speakers will soon be posted to our website (link above). 

Student evaluation will be a combination of participation (40%), short reaction pieces (30%), and a term paper (30%). Participation will be evaluated by contributions during the seminar discussion in advance of the session with the author as well as engagement with the author during the session in which the author presents their paper.


Interested students should make known their interest by sending an email jointly to Professors Thomas and Webber (jean.thomas@queensu.ca and gregoire.webber@queensu.ca) outlining their interest in applying for the Colloquium and any relevant academic background. Please note: undergraduate or graduate studies in Philosophy or Political Studies are not prerequisites; nor is a course in legal philosophy.

In addition, in NO MORE than 250 words, please tell us how you would go about answering the question in the following scenario, taken from a paper by Jeremy Waldron.

"We are imagining people living in a state of nature, perhaps gathering together in a village or a community, and they are faced with the possibility of newcomers migrating into and proposing to settle in their vicinity. Could they be justified in driving the newcomers away—for example, by shouting threats at them, throwing rocks, or tearing up their encampments?”

Please submit your application at your earliest opportunity and in any event no later than 5 p.m. on July 31. Decisions will be communicated to applicants shortly thereafter and successful applicants will be registered by the Faculty before enrolment opens for other course selection.  



Summer Employment and Enrolment 

Queen’s Law Clinics

Postings for Summer Caseworker Positions (2025) and/or Clinical Course Enrolment (2025-26) 

The students of Law ’26 and ’27 (1L and 2L) are invited to apply for full-time summer employment (2025) or course enrolment (2025/2026) at the Queen’s Law Clinics.
This is the application process for all five of the Queen’s Law Clinics:

  • the Business Law Clinic (QBLC), 
  • the Elder Law Clinic (QELC), 
  • the Family Law Clinic (QFLC), 
  • the Prison Law Clinic (QPLC) and 
  • Queen’s Legal Aid (QLA)

Read these instructions thoroughly before completing your application. If you have read these instructions thoroughly and still have questions, direct questions about each of the five Queen’s Law Clinics to the director of the clinic in question and direct questions about the application process to qlcadmin@queensu.ca.

Applicants must have completed either their first or second year of law school (or equivalent) prior to the start of summer employment or enrolment. 

Only students selected for interviews (where applicable) or enrolment will be contacted.  

See below for detailed information under the following headings: 

Summer Employment

Work is completed at the QLC office at 5th Floor, LaSalle Mews, 303 Bagot Street, Kingston. 

Pay for summer positions will be approximately $20/hour plus vacation and statutory holiday pay. Students will work for fifteen (15) to seventeen (17) weeks from May through August. Specifics will be provided when a formal offer is made.

Additional information and requirements for summer caseworker positions can be found below within the descriptions provided for each of the five Queen’s Law Clinics. 

Course Enrolment

The application process for enrolment in clinical courses takes place outside the normal course selection process. Students cannot add clinical courses through SOLUS.

Detailed information regarding clinical courses, including pre/co-requisites and recommended courses, is available in the course catalogue.

Business LawQBLCLAW 438A/B
Elder LawQELCLAW 695A/B
Family LawQFLC LAW 527A/B
Prison LawQPLCLAW418A/B
Clinical Litigation PracticeQLA Clinical Litigation Practice (CLP)LAW 590A/B

The process of selecting students for enrolment in clinical courses will take place once the summer caseworker positions have all been filled. 

Application Due Date

The application deadline is Monday, January 27, 2025 at 12:00 PM (noon).  

Late applications will not be considered.

The Google form on which application forms are submitted will be closed at 12:00 noon on January 27, 2025, and applications for which the supporting documents are received by email after the deadline will not be considered. 

Application Process

To apply for summer employment or enrolment with any of the five Queen’s Law Clinics, follow the steps listed below.

  1. Complete one-page Google Forms QLC Application detailing all summer positions and courses to which you are applying. You will find the one-page Google Forms QLC Application Form here.   The form requires that you list all positions to which you are applying and, where you have applied to more than one of the five Queen’s Law Clinics, that you list them in order of your preference.
  2. Submit your application by clicking the “submit” button at the bottom of the form.  NOTE: your application will not be considered as complete, and will not be considered to have been submitted, until you complete the steps below.    
  3. Prepare separate cover letters for each clinic to which you are applying. Address your cover letters to the Director of the clinic (listed in the relevant posting for that clinic, see below). At a minimum, your cover letter must:
    1. outline your reasons for wanting to work at the particular clinic;
    2. summarize your relevant background; and
    3. state whether you are applying for summer employment, enrolment in the clinical course or both.
  4. Save each cover letter as a separate PDF using the following naming protocol: “QLC Cover Letter” followed by the initials of the clinic to which the letter is directed (QBLC, QELC, QFLC, QPLC or QLA) and then your surname and your first name. eg. QLC Cover Letter, QFLC, Flood, Colleen.
  5. Using your Queen’s e-mail account, send one (1) e-mail message addressed to QLC.Applications@queensu.ca with a subject line noting the clinic(s) to which you are applying. If you are applying to more than one clinic, note the abbreviations of the clinics in alphabetical order and separated by commas. eg. QBLC, QELC, QLA.
  6. To be complete, your e-mail to QLC.Applications@queensu.ca must have all of the following attachments: 
    1. Separate cover letters for each clinic to which you are applying; 
    2. Your resume; and 
    3. A SOLUS printout of your law school grades (a typed list of practice exam marks if you are in 1st year). 
  7. You will receive a return message confirming receipt of your email. If you do not receive that confirmation message within one (1) business day, contact qlcadmin@queensu.ca to follow up.

Application Process Timeline

Applications due: Monday, January 27, 2025, 12:00 PM (noon)

Planned dates for interviews: the week of February 10 – 14, 2025. 

Offers for summer employment extended by e‐mail to your Queen’s e-mail account or phone call commencing:   Friday, February 28, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.  

Replies to offers for summer employment due: Monday, March 3, 2025 by 12:00 PM (noon) following which, the offer expires and is extended to another student

Offers for enrolment: Starting March 13, 2025 and continuing until all spots are filled. 

QLC Summer Student Caseworker Position Descriptions

Queen’s Business Law Clinic (QBLC)

The QBLC will employ three full‐time student caseworkers who will provide pro bono legal services to local entrepreneurs, small businesses and not‐for‐profit organizations. Successful applicants will gain hands‐on experience with client files involving incorporations, corporate governance, drafting of contracts and legal research memos dealing with a range of subject matter under the business and intellectual property law umbrellas. Students will also be involved in the operation of the legal clinic, including client development, and they may be asked to speak to local stakeholder groups on business and intellectual property law issues. Some light travel may be required. Applicants should have a strong academic record and a demonstrated interest in business law. 

Participation in the QBLC summer program will disqualify a student from participation in the credit program (LAW 438A/B) for a subsequent academic year. Participants in the QBLC summer program may be invited to return to enrol in LAW 593A/B QLC Student Leadership to serve as mentors for the academic year following. Students who have taken LAW 438A/B may apply to work at the QBLC for the summer.

Forward any inquiries to and address your cover letter to: QBLC Director, Tomilola Adebiyi (tomilola.adebiyi@queensu.ca)  

Queen’s Elder Law Clinic (QELC)

The QELC will employ three full‐time caseworkers who will provide pro bono legal services for local seniors and other vulnerable members of the community. The successful applicants will be responsible for managing QELC client files, interviewing clients, preparing and advising on simple wills, powers of attorney for personal care, powers of attorney for property, responding to general estate inquires, and preparing applications for Certificates of Appointment of Estate Trustee (With and Without a Will). 

The summer caseworkers will also assist elderly and vulnerable clients with a variety of age‐related issues and inquiries concerning capacity, substitute decision making, rights under current legislation, identifying and addressing misuse or abuse of authority, and effectively communicate with third parties. 

The summer caseworkers will normally be required to attend at other locations in the course of their work, including Kingston General Hospital, Providence Care Hospital, local penitentiaries and local retirement homes or long term care facilities. Access to a car is not required. All student caseworkers will also be involved in developing and conducting community outreach and public legal education sessions.

Applicants should have a strong academic record. Preference will be given to applicants with a demonstrated interest in elder law or serving vulnerable individuals, experience working independently to manage a project, and excellent writing skills.

Participation in the QELC summer program will disqualify a student from participation in the credit program (LAW 695A/B) for a subsequent academic year. Participants in the QELC summer program may be invited to return to enrol in LAW 593A/B QLC Student Leadership as mentors for the academic year following. Students who have taken LAW 695A/B may apply to work for the QELC for the summer.

Please also include the contact information for at least one prior employment reference but you need not submit a reference letter. 

Forward any inquires to and address your cover letter to: QELC Director, Blair Hicks (blair.hicks@queensu.ca)

Queen’s Family Law Clinic (QFLC)

The QFLC will employ two full‐time student caseworkers. Successful applicants will spend the summer providing pro bono legal services assisting self‐representing Family Law litigants including with court appearances, completing intake interviews, preparing documents for Family Court and participating in the operation and continued development of the QFLC. Student caseworkers will carry files relating to issues such as decision-making responsibility, parenting time, child support and divorce and will attend regularly at Family Court at 469 Montreal Street. Student caseworkers may be asked to give presentations to local stakeholder groups on issues relating to family justice. 

Students who have taken LAW 527A/B (Queen’s Family Law Clinic) are welcome to apply for the summer student caseworkers positions. Participation in the QFLC summer program will disqualify a student from participation in the credit program (LAW 527A/B) for a subsequent academic year. Participants in the QFLC summer program may be invited to return to enrol in LAW 593A/B QLC Student Leadership for the academic year following.

Applicants should have a strong academic record and excellent writing skills. Preference will be given to applicants with a demonstrated interest in serving vulnerable individuals and experience working independently to manage projects. All students, not just those planning a career in Family Law, are encouraged to apply. 
Forward any inquiries to and address your cover letter to: Acting QFLC Director, Linda Smith (llz@queensu.ca). 

Queen’s Prison Law Clinic (QPLC)

The QPLC employs four summer students to provide legal services to prisoners in Kingston area prisons, which includes representing clients at disciplinary court and the Parole Board of Canada, drafting grievances and providing legal advice. Access to a reliable car is required for travel to area prisons; attendance at the prisons will be frequent.

If you are interested in a summer position, your letter of application must contain the following information:

  • Whether you will be able to work during a 17 week period April 29 through August
  • Languages other than English in which you have oral or written fluency
  • Whether or not you will have a reliable car that you can use for work throughout the period April 29 through August
  • Whether you will be available to mentor new students in September at client interviews and in disciplinary court for additional paid employment up to approximately 20 hours.

Students who work for the QPLC during the summer are not eligible to take the Clinical Course, Law 418A/B, although they are eligible to apply for Law 419, Advanced Prison Law. Students who have taken Law 418A/B may apply to work for the QPLC for the summer
Forward any inquiries to and address your cover letter to: QPLC Director, Kathy Ferreira (kathryn.ferreira@queensu.ca)

In addition, the QPLC is also hiring 1-2 additional summer students to assist with the litigation of the Clinic.  These are separate and distinct positions from the other 4.  These positions may be required to be conducted by a combination of remote work and in-person work at the Queen’s Law Clinics, and could potentially involve travel to local prisons.

If you are interested in these positions, your letter of application should specify that you are interested in the “Additional QPLC Positions”  and must contain the following information:

  • Whether you are able to work a 15-17 week period, with a likely start date of April 29
  • Whether or not you will have a reliable car that you can use for work throughout the period. 

Please forward any inquiries and address your cover letter for these 2 positions to: Paul Quick, Staff Lawyer (p.quick@queensu.ca)

Queen’s Legal Aid (QLA)

QLA employs up to ten summer student caseworkers who will each have carriage of approximately 20-24 client files at any one time in all areas of the clinic’s litigation practice, including criminal matters before the Ontario Court of Justice, civil Small Claims Court matters, and files before administrative tribunals including the Landlord and Tenant Board, the Social Benefits Tribunal and the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. Student caseworkers will also have ongoing file intake and administrative duties during the summer and will be involved in developing and conducting community outreach and public legal education sessions. 

All student caseworkers are required to work during the two week training period at the start of the summer as well as the last week of the summer. Time off will not be approved during these periods.

Student caseworkers remain responsible for client files until the files are reassigned in September.  Student caseworkers may also be expected to conduct hearings for any matter for which a hearing is scheduled in September or October, 2025 

In the academic year following summer employment, student caseworkers must enrol in Law 594A/B, Queen’s Legal Aid Student Leadership, where they will serve as Group Leaders with significant mentoring and training responsibilities.  This means that summer caseworkers cannot participate in a foreign exchange program and must be enrolled at Queen’s Law for the entire academic year after summer employment at QLA. Students are awarded a total of four credits for their participation in this course. This course fulfills either the Advocacy or the Practice Skills requirement of the J.D program. 

Your cover letter should describe your interests and goals as they relate to QLA and should demonstrate a commitment to social justice and poverty law. Please also include the contact information for at least one prior employment reference but you need not submit a reference letter. 

A Hiring Committee including one Review Counsel, a QLA staff member, and one current QLA student will review all applications. Student members of the Hiring Committee will not see applicant’s law school grades.
Funding for QLA summer positions is primarily provided by Legal Aid Ontario, which encourages QLA to offer clinic‐based employment opportunities to as many different students as possible each year. While students may apply both for summer employment and enrolment in Law 590, the Clinical Litigation Practice (“CLP”) course, students who accept summer employment with QLA cannot enrol in the CLP course.  As such, applicants should clearly indicate in their cover letter whether they are applying for summer employment, for course enrolment, or both, and, if applying for both, whether the student’s preference is for summer employment or for course enrolment.    

Forward any inquiries and address your cover letter to: QLA Director, Blair Crew  (blair.crew@queensu.ca).

Important Information

Practice Skills and Advocacy Requirements: All courses at the QLC meet the practice skills requirement. The advocacy requirement is met only by enrolment in the Family Law Clinic, Prison Law Clinic or Queen’s Legal Aid Clinical Litigation Practice.

Experiential Learning Policy (ELP): Students applying to or accepting positions with the QLC are expected to be familiar with the ELP which is detailed in the Academic Calendar. 

Full-Year Courses: Course credit is provided at the end of the academic year. There is no option for partial credit.  

Accommodations: All accommodations including those for enrolment in QLC courses will be assessed as workplace (rather than academic) accommodations. If you have questions about accommodations, direct those to Queen's Student Accessibility Services. 

Direct any questions about this information to qlcadmin@queensu.ca and you will be redirected to the appropriate person. 

Queen’s University has an employment equity program, welcomes diversity in the workplace and encourages applications from all qualified candidates including those from equity-seeking groups such as aboriginal peoples, people with disabilities and racial minorities.

When hiring students, the Queen’s Law Clinics gratefully acknowledge the support of Legal Aid Ontario, the Law Foundation of Ontario, the class of Law’81, and alumni and industry sponsors.


Please note that the Practicum will not be offered during the 2024-2025 academic year.

In this project-based course, which is as much a law clinic as a traditional course, students will work on actual trade law problems for real “client” beneficiaries under the supervision of their professor. The practicum offers a unique opportunity for students to gain practical experience in international trade law, while at the same time enhancing their substantive legal knowledge through participation in twice-weekly seminars. The practicum will enable students to work on a specific legal project for a beneficiary, such as a small business, an NGO, a union, or a government. Moreover, the practicum is designed to build students’ professional skills by providing training in how to interact with beneficiaries, how to work in groups with other lawyers, how to present their work effectively, and how to communicate complex legal issues to diverse audiences. The practicum also hopes to introduce students to career opportunities in international trade law by allowing them to interact with beneficiaries and mentors working in the trade law field and exposing them first-hand to the practice of international trade law in Canada and beyond.

Students will work in small groups (“project teams”) under the close supervision of their professor and outside experts (“mentors”) on specific legal problems proposed by beneficiaries. The professor and mentors will provide substantive background instruction on the respective topics. The students will also benefit from instruction on improving their legal research and writing skills. At the end of the term, each team will present their projects to the class as well as to the beneficiary.

The practicum is part of a Joint University of Ottawa-Queen’s International Economic Law Clinic under the umbrella of the TradeLab network. To get an idea of the types of projects done in previous years by clinics in the network, please consult https://www.tradelab.org/

Prerequisites: Except in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the instructor (e.g. where the student has work experience that could be valuable to potential beneficiaries of the clinic), students must have taken either Law-454 International Economic Law or Law-455 International Trade Law before they participate in the practicum.

Applications for the Practicum will be accepted by nicolas.lamp@queensu.ca.

Enrolment: Due to the project-based nature of the course, enrolment in the course is capped at 16 students. Interested students should send a letter of motivation (approx. 300 words) explaining their interest in the course and outlining relevant experience to Nicolas.Lamp@queensu.ca

In selecting students for the Practicum, I will consider three criteria:

  • Whether the student has a demonstrated interest in international trade law.
  • The student’s performance in the pre-requisite course(s).
  • Since the Practicum will not be offered in the 2023-2024 academic year, 2L and 3L students will be given an equal opportunity to participate in the 2023 edition of the Practicum.

Evaluation: The students will be evaluated based on feedback from the beneficiaries and mentors, the timely delivery and quality of the output produced by their team, and their general engagement in the work of the clinic, both individually and as a member of a team.


  • LAW 470 – GRAND MOOT



3 credit graded course (offered in both Fall & Winter Terms)

Students in this course are placed with a family lawyer or agency in the family or children’s law field and are required to spend 4-6 hours per week at the placement at times that do not conflict with their classes, in the Fall or Winter Term. Most of the placements are with lawyers, but there are also a placement at the Children’s Aid Society and the Family Court. The primary focus is on learning about the practice of family law from observation, reflection, discussion with your external supervisor, as well as participation in classes.  The placements may also include expectations for research or drafting related to cases being followed. There is no scheduled class time, but there will be five meetings during the term of the entire class (10 students), arranged at times that do not conflict with any student’s schedule. Students are required to keep a course log and write a short reflective piece (8-10 pages).

Students will gain an appreciation of the challenges of managing clients and relationships with other lawyers and judges.

Prior to the start of the term, students enrolled in the course will be asked to complete a preference ballot for a specific placement and will be assigned a placement before the term starts.


Pre or Co-requisite: Family Law (ie. must have completed or be enrolled at the same time in Family Law)

Please submit a statement of interest and a copy of your resume to Professor Nick Bala (bala@queensu.ca). Enrolment will continue until the course is full (10 students per team). Feel free to contact Prof. Bala with any questions about the course. Students in Law 521 generally cannot be in a Queen's Clinic on a credit-basis in the same term. However, students may be in other experiential learning courses (such as the law journals) in the same term as they are in Law 521. 


**UPDATED Deadline: Application review has already begun as of June 17th and will continue on a rolling basis until the NEW deadline of July 31st, 2024**

Application Due Date: July 31st, 2024, at 4:00pm. Candidates are strongly encouraged to submit their application as soon as possible as they will be selected for an interview on a rolling basis. The consideration of late applications will be subject to the clinic's capacity.

The Conflict Analytics Lab is a cutting-edge research consortium dedicated to advancing research on the intersection of law and artificial intelligence. The Legal AI Clinic is a project-focused experience designed to provide students with practical experience to collaborate with computer scientists, lawyers, and partner organizations to build legal technology. Our partner organizations include for-profit organizations, from leading law firms and tech unicorns to non-profits and public institutions such as pro bono justice organizations and supreme courts. This course is offered by the Faculty of Law with the Smith School of Business, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the Ingenuity Lab.

The Legal AI Clinical Course awards 8 credits (4 credits per semester) and gives students a distinctive opportunity to gain practical experience in project management, legal research, and building legal applications for real users. Students will attend weekly group meetings with the Lab’s Directors and research team, guest lectures, and work directly with leading professionals from our partner organizations. Students will have a unique opportunity to conduct legal research and project work in a simulated legal tech start up environment.

In the upcoming academic year, the Lab will be working on projects including but not limited to:

  • OpenJustice – Generative AI for Law
    • Working with partner organizations, including legal information database companies and full-service law firms, to train OpenJustice (https://openjustice.ai/), a GenAI prototype designed by the Lab built on advanced language models for law, drawing from legal sources to perform legal research and document generation.
  • Misinformation and Hate Speech Assessment
  • Deel Classification Algorithm and Policy Research on:
    • Taxation (legal risk of permanent establishment; stock options and tax system for independent contractors);
    • Remote Worker Rights (Global pensions, stock options, IP, leasing of EOR); and
    • Labour and Employment Law (determination of worker status; series of predictive employment tools to assess violations of worker rights, including minimum pay overtime pay, and vacation pay)

Students have the chance to gain hands-on experience by answering questions that arise at the intersection of AI and legal research. To see more of CAL’s work in promoting access-to-justice via free AI-powered legal advice to the public, please visit: https://myopencourt.org. To see CAL’s generative AI for law, OpenJustice, please visit: https://openjustice.ai (you will need to register an account with your QueensU email to use the AI engine).

The Legal AI Clinic is offered both in the Fall semester and the Winter semester. Preference is given to those available for the full academic year and members with prior research experience with the Conflict Analytics Lab.

Course Time: Tuesdays at 5:30-7:30pm (Fall and Winter)

Applicants are required to submit the following materials:

  1. Cover letter: This should indicate your interest in legal tech, why you believe you are a good fit for the clinic, and whether you want to take the course in the fall, winter, or both semesters;
  2. A current CV; and
  3. Undergraduate and Law School Transcripts.

Please submit your application materials through the following Microsoft Forms survey using your Queen’s emailhttps://forms.office.com/r/4SGGmiCPdK.

Please reach out to David Liang (david.liang@queensu.ca) if you have any questions. Application review has already begun and will continue on a rolling basis until July 31st, 2024, at 4:00pm. Applicants are highly encouraged to submit their applications early, as the selection process will become more competitive as the class reaches capacity.

Selected applicants will be contacted for a short interview. We thank all applicants who apply to this position; however, only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

LAW 577A/B - PKI Global Justice Journal – Editorial Intern

The PKI Global Justice Journal aims to critically inform readers of new developments in the realms of international, transitional and transnational justice. The Journal provides in-depth analyses, monograph reviews, as well as interviews with specialists. For the upcoming academic year the Journal is accepting applications for up to two Editorial Interns, who will normally be JD students in their second or third year of study.

The Editorial Intern will be selected on the basis of academic excellence, relevant experience, demonstrated writing ability and completion of at least one of the following courses during their JD studies: Public International Law (Law 540), International Human Rights Law (Law 542), International Criminal Law (Law 410), International Refugee Law (Law 375), International Humanitarian Law (Law 549), or an equivalent cognate course on campus or at the Castle, as approved by the faculty supervisor. Fluency in French is an asset.

The successful candidate will be responsible for supporting the editorial, production and dissemination activities of the Journal, under the supervision of a faculty supervisor and mentorship by the Journal’s expert Editorial Board. Completion of two, 2000-word essays on a global justice topic as well as duties, as assigned throughout the Fall and Winter terms by the faculty supervisor, are required. Essays completed in the course of the internship will be considered for possible publication in the Journal. 4 credits, full year course, graded.


Please submit a summary of JD grades (or transcript), writing sample and a brief cover note (250 words or less) outlining any relevant academic or professional experience as soon as possible to Professor Aiken: aiken@queensu.ca. Successful applicants will be notified by July 31 (or when the positions are filled).



The Canadian Journal of Commercial Arbitration is Canada’s only scholarly refereed law review focusing on arbitration: international and domestic, commercial and investor-state. The Managing Editor is Professor Joshua Karton.


Five to seven students will be recruited to prepare the CJCA's bi-annual journal, manage volunteers, host events, and maintain the CJCA's blog and website. The student editorial group is selected in the spring for the following academic year, on the basis of written applications and an interview. For further details, contact professor Joshua Karton (joshua.karton@queensu.ca).


The Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal (CLELJ) is Canada’s only scholarly refereed law review in its field, and is a collaborative publication of Lancaster House and the Queen’s Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace. The Editor-in-Chief is Professor Kevin Banks.


The student editorial group is selected in the spring for the following academic year, on the basis of written applications, a short editing test and an interview. For further details, contact professor Kevin Banks (banksk@queensu.ca).


LAW 584: Senior Editor-single term (3 Credits)

LAW 587A/B: Associate Editor-all year (4 credits)

LAW 588A/B: Senior Editor-all year (6 credits)

LAW 589A/B: Editor-in-Chief-all year (6 credits)

The Queen’s Law Journal is a practical-skills course that gives students in 2L and 3L the opportunity to be involved in publishing one of Canada’s leading legal journals. Students will have the opportunity to develop and advance their editing and writing skills as well as critically analyze submitted materials and comment upon the latest in legal scholarship.

The Journal is looking for students who have (1) an interest in and enthusiasm for the Queen’s Law Journal; and (2) strong writing, editing, and analytical skills, evidenced by a well-written cover letter and successfully completed editing and/or submissions assignment(s). Previous Board or Volunteer experience with the Journal, or other editorial or research experience, is an asset but is not required. Many editors join the Editorial Board without such prior experience.

Please note that successful applicants are not permitted to serve on the editorial boards of the Canadian Journal of Commercial Arbitration and the Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal.


The Queen’s Law Journal selects their Editorial Board in the Winter term for the following academic year based on an applicant’s cover letter, CV, short editing assignment, and an interview. For more details contact the current Co-Editors-in-Chief at qlj@queensu.ca


Law 697 Law Student Clerkships (6 credits) (Fall or Winter Term, 2025-26)

Applications are being accepted for Law Student Clerkships (Law 697) in for the Fall Term 2025 and Winter Term 2026. This placement involves research, as well as opportunities for court observation and mentoring by the judges at Ontario Superior Court and at the Ontario Court of Justice in Kingston. Each student will spend an average of 12-16 hours a week on the placement (not to conflict with other classes). The students are required to keep a course log and write a reflective piece (10 -12 pages) and the end of the term. The students will meet periodically with the Faculty supervisor, Prof. Bala.

The Ontario Court of Justice does exclusively criminal law, and in Kingston the Superior Court of Justice does a significant amount of criminal work, though there are also civil cases and there may be an opportunity for involvement in Divisional Court matters. Although assigned primarily to one court, each student will spend time at both courts.

The students selected for this course must be going into third year, have a strong academic record and have taken (or be enrolled) in Evidence. This is an excellent opportunity for a student who will be applying for a Clerkship for after graduation (or who has secured one). 

There will be four students selected, two for each term, and each will receives 6 graded credits for the term that they do the placement. 

Students will be selected by Application process through CSM, with applications due Monday, March 3 at 4pm. Applicants should provide a cover letter, resume and law school transcript. In your cover letter, please indicate if you have a preference for one term or the other.

Students in this experiential learning placement cannot be in a Queen’s Law Clinic in the same term in which they are doing the Law 697 placement.  However, students may be in competitive moots or other experiential learning programs (such as the Journals). Futher students may apply for a Clinic and Law 697, and, if accepted for the Law 697, will be given an opportunity to select their preferred choice.

Please feel free to contact Prof. Bala if you have questions, or wish to contact students doing the placement this year to learn more.



A placement with a community legal clinic affiliated with and funded by Legal Aid Ontario which provides legal assistance to low-income area residents. The placement provides clinical legal experience to law students, helping them develop skill and confidence as legal professionals. Under close supervision by clinic lawyers, law students interview and counsel clients, research legal issues, draft legal memoranda, provide legal opinions, prepare pleadings, negotiate settlements and participate in hearings before administrative tribunals on poverty law issues such as landlord/tenant disputes, creditor/debtor matters, employment claims and income maintenance problems.


Applications are due mid-March. The CDO will alert students to opportunities.



Queen’s Law offers upper-year students the opportunity to complete internships for three academic credits with federal government offices through Department of Justice Legal Services. Each intern is expected to work approximately 84-100 hours during the term. The hours and days of work are negotiated with the department, but interns are generally expected to spend one full business day each week in the Ottawa office. Although some additional research may be conducted from Kingston, you must be able to commit to weekly travel to Ottawa. 

In addition to the internships arranged by Queen's Law, individual students may make their own arrangements with a federal government department that will qualify as an internship for credit. Such a placement would have to be approved by the Faculty prior to the start date. Internships for credit are only possible during the academic year. If you are interested in arranging your own internship, please contact Julie Banting, the Director of the Career Development Office, before proceeding.


The CDO will be in touch with the application process in late February to early March.


Bader College: please see the Bader College Application Procedure page.

Exchanges: please see the Exchanges – Outgoing Students page.



This is a multi-faculty consulting course that brings together students from engineering, commerce, law, and science to form a team that helps executive-level clients from large corporations solve challenging real-world problems as they work together on an 8-month project. Students work with corporations in industries such as Oil & Gas, Automotive, Alternative Energy, Biotechnology, Banking, and Consumer Goods. Companies that we have worked for include: Shell, Fluor, BASF, DuPont, Bombardier, 3M, Ontario Power Generation, Encana, Perpetual Energy, RBC and many others. Examples are available on the TEAM website.
TEAM places students in a results-driven environment and will provide experiences that will differentiate students from their peers. Students gain technical expertise, consulting experience, and invaluable network connections.


Please review the TEAM website to ensure you’re familiar with the project and what it entails. Application requirements are provided at the Chemical Engineering website

Smith Engineering is not offering the TEAM course in the 2021-22 academic year. However, it may be offered in future years.