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Latest News

Dakota Bundy, Law’22, meets via Zoom with Career Development Coordinator Sara Ali to discuss plans for talk about the upcoming legacy project panel that focuses on diversity and inclusion.

Job searching and relationship building in a virtual world

Our Career Development Office holds all student counselling sessions, programs, and events remotely to facilitate students' career exploration - and 96.5% of students seeking articles have been placed.
Rob Frater, Law’84, Chief General Counsel with the Department of Justice Canada (shown in 2015 with his Queen’s Law Cromwell Award), is the 2020 winner of The Advocates’ Society’s Catzman Award for Professionalism and Civility.

Federal government’s top lawyer, a Law’84 grad, saluted for professionalism and civility

Rob Frater, Law’84, who has been front-and-centre in many high-profile cases, is lead counsel in the Meng Wanzhou extradition proceedings underway in Vancouver.
Professor Grégoire Webber, recently renewed as the Canada Research Chair in Public Law and Philosophy of Law, is continuing his work to enrich our understanding of the responsibilities of government, our responsibilities to each other, and our obligation to the law.

Canada research leader delves deeper into foundations of law and government

Professor Grégoire Webber, recently renewed as the Canada Research Chair in Public Law and Philosophy of Law, is continuing his work to enrich our understanding of the responsibilities of government, our responsibilities to each other, and our obligation to the law.