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Queen’s Business Law Clinic students interview a client at the Queen’s Law Clinics in downtown Kingston, where they help entrepreneurs, small businesses, charities, social enterprises and not-for-profit organizations with their legal issues. (Photo by Greg Black)

Business law students provide ‘top-notch’ legal services

By helping individuals, businesses and non-for-profit organizations with their legal issues, Queen's Business Law Clinic students contribute to the economic growth and the social well-being of southeastern Ontario communities.

Prominent law firm’s major gift supports Queen’s Legal Aid at critical time

Bogoroch & Associates LLP has donated $200,000 to Queen’s Legal Aid (QLA), providing much-needed support to assist the highly sought-after clinic maintain its current level of service. By working with QLA, a prime experiential learning opportunity, students acquire valuable practice skills as they serve the most vulnerable citizens in the greater Kingston area.
Pearl Eliadis, an expert in national institutions, human rights and democratic development, is working on two projects Queen’s Law graduate students can help with.

Internationally known human rights lawyer offers research opportunities for students

Pearl Eliadis, an expert in national institutions, human rights and democratic development, is working on two projects Queen’s Law graduate students can help with.
A Kingston-area senior receives free legal advice from Queen’s Elder Law Clinic student caseworkers in the downtown Queen’s Law Clinics office. Students gain practical experience in serving and interacting with clients, as well as a chance to develop their own style of practice before articling.

Practical experience for law students grows with elderly population

As the number of people becoming senior citizens and living longer increases rapidly, so does the need for free legal services for those who would otherwise be unable to afford a lawyer. That’s a gap Queen’s Elder Law Clinic students are filling – and they’re honing lots of practical skills along the way.
Appointed to the UN’s Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts on Yemen, Professor Ardi Imseis will be investigating and reporting on alleged violations involving parties to the country’s civil war that after five years continues to rage.

UN appoints Queen’s international law scholar to Yemen commission of inquiry

Appointed to the UN’s Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts on Yemen, Professor Ardi Imseis will be investigating and reporting on alleged violations involving parties to the country’s civil war that after five years continues to rage.
Karla McGrath, LLM’13, Queen’s Family Law Clinic Director, reviews a case file with student caseworkers in one of four interview rooms in the downtown Queen’s Law Clinics. “We have a modern and efficient professional legal operation that clearly expresses to clients and students that we are here to do important work and we are here to do it well,” she says.

Queen’s Law Clinics continue to thrive at five

Since converging in downtown Kingston five years ago, five Queen's Law Clinics have increased experiential learning opportunities and improved client services. The newest clinic is also celebrating its first five years of preparing confident family lawyers.